BART is proud to announce Electronic Signature for Quoting. This will allow you to send the client a quote, then gives the client the ability to sign the quote electronically. The quote is returned to you as a PDF, and BART attaches the paperwork directly to the quote.
Select - Gear > All Settings Programs tab >Quotes -Electronic Signature tab
1. Enable electronic signature, then click "Save"
2. Enter in your disclaimers. This provides your client a reminder of each step they will go through to sign the quote.
3. Enter in Signature & Title message to be displayed after your client signs the quote.
Quote Process - User Side
Once enabled, every quote sent from BART will contain the electronic signature functionality.
Example email:
The quote status will change based on the step in the process:
Quote not sent to client:
Quote sent, waiting on client response:
Client has signed the quote:
Signed quote gets attached to the quote
You now have an electronic signature with date, time and IP address where it comes from:
Copy of the signed quote is added to document library:
Quote Process- Client Side
1. Client receives the emailed quote and given the option to accept the quote:
2. Client clicks Accept Quote button
3. New window opens and allows client to sign the quote using mouse, or touch screen:
4. Click Agree
5. Confirmation page is displayed:
6. Client and sender receive a pdf of signed quote.
Benefits of Electronic Signature
- Ability to track the process with clarity
- Quote status changes are easily seen
- Client receives the email quote and has the option to accept the quote
- You receive an email copy of signed quote
- Signed quote gets attached to the quote
- You now have an electronic signature with date, time and IP address of where it comes from
- Client receive an email copy of signed quote
- Signed quotes are located in your Document Library
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Check out our integration with
Tuvoli! Tuvoli offers a more comprehensive and customizable experience, including electronic payment options.
More info here:
BART Help ArticleTroubleshooting
Why am I not receiving a copy of the signed quote?
This can caused by an incorrect email address. The signed quote is sent the the email address listed in your user profile. Be sure this email address is accurate.
This can also be caused by spam filters. Be sure to check your spam folder.