BART has integrated with DHS to allow for processing of Passengers through the TSA. Once enabled, BART will send your manifests to the TSA for processing on your behalf. This integration is for passengers only.
This article outlines:
- Steps needed to be taken prior to using the integration (Steps 1 - 3)
- How to process a manifest (Step 4)
- How to view results (Step 5)
- FAQ and Troubleshooting
Step 1: Notifying BART
- FAA Certificate Number
- TSA Submission Code
- Completed Airline Operational Profile Document (attached to this article)
Step 2: Pre-Processing Waiver
A waiver must be sent to TSA before you are able to process passengers via BART.
Please send the following notice on your Aircraft Operator’s company letterhead and digitally or manually signed by the President, AOSC, or other representative authorized to speak for the Aircraft Operator on this matter.

Email Subject: “Seagil Software, LLC, - {airline name}, Forgo Testing
“{Airline Name and 3 or 4 character identifier} the regulated party, elects to abstain/forgo individual testing with TSA’s Secure Flight. {Aircraft Operator name} is relying on the testing our contracted service provider, Seagil Software, has performed on our behalf. TSA will support individual testing with any AO electing to do so.
{Person of Contact}"
Step 3: Setup in BART
- Navigate to the DHS setup page (Gear > All Settings > Programs > Integrations > DHS)
- Enter in required fields
- Company Name
- Carrier Name
- Carrier Code
- Contact Name
- Phone
- Fax
- Check the box acknowledging the waiver has been sent to the TSA. Do not check this box until TSA has acknowledged your waiver.
- Once the box is checked and the page is saved, BART will begin processing your manifests on your behalf. Other forms of TSA checking will be disabled in BART.
- Enable "Automatically check pax against TSA files" (Gear > all settings > programs > schedules > flight editing - TSA Checks: TSA Checks)
- Disable TSA checks from showing on reports (Gear > all settings > programs > schedules > flight editing - TSA Checks: TSA on Trip Sheet)
- Ensure all required fields are entered for all passengers
- Passenger First Name
- Passenger Last Name
- Passenger Date of Birth
- Passenger Gender (if no gender is entered, BART will send "Undisclosed")
Step 4: Processing a Manifest
Processing a manifest through BART is both a manual and automatic process. Once a manifest has been manually submitted, BART will monitor the trip for any qualifying changes and resubmit to DHS if necessary.
- Submit a manifest for the first time to the DHS router using More > Submit to DHS. (This step is only required once per trip. After the initial submission, all changes will be sent automatically after saving the trip.)
- According to TSA guidelines, manifests should be submitted starting at the 72 hour mark, up until time the doors close on the aircraft.
- When the following criteria is met, BART will send the manifest through the DHS router to the TSA when the user clicks the “Submit to DHS” button.
- The scheduled departure time is not in the past
- The flight departs or arrives into the United States
- The flight status IS NOT canceled
- The flight leg is not on a broker aircraft
- The regulation is Part 135 (Leg Type = Charter)
- All passenger data is complete (if any passenger data is missing, no passenger data is sent! You much correct the missing data and resubmit)
After each save, if a qualifying change is made to a manifest, the manifest will automatically be re-sent to DHS. Passenger status will not update on the screen until the page is refreshed, the trip is saved again, or you exit the trip and re-open.

Qualifying changes include:
Route change
Passenger is added or removed from the manifest
Passenger's information such as First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Gender or Date of Birth are updated in BART
Once TSA has the flight manifests, TSA will continue vetting as new lists are published. If the status of a passenger changes, BART will receive a message and the passenger status will be updated in the trip. The email address setup on the DHS settings page will also be notified. (Please add noreply@bart.seagilmail.com to your email safe-list).
Step 5: Viewing Results
Below are the possible results from TSA. Results will display in the trip next to each passenger, with details showing in the popup:
- Passenger cleared (green)
- Passenger data incomplete (yellow)
- Passenger not cleared (red)
- Passenger not yet checked (blue)
All Passengers Cleared:
All Passengers Cleared Detailed Popup:Detailed Popup - More information required by TSA: Possible Matches/Not Cleared:

- If a departure or arrival airport set in the itinerary does not have an IATA, BART automatically identifies the closest airport that has an IATA and includes in the submission.
- We are not aware of TSA's vetting logic, please contact your POI or review TSA documentation for those details.
- Due to the vetting happening in the background when the criteria is met and new lists are published by TSA, there will be no date / time stamp of last check available in BART.
Troubleshooting and FAQ
Q: I updated a trip, why are the passengers are still showing blue?
A: Ensure the trip has been sent to DHS (More > Send to DHS).
Be sure you have saved the trip. Passenger status will not update on the screen until the page is refreshed, the trip is saved again, or you exit and re-open the trip.
Q: I added a passenger to a trip and now all my passenger status' are blue?
A: The new passenger is missing data. Remember, a manifest cannot be submitted unless all passengers have all required data. Click on a passenger status to see details of the missing data. Enter in the required data and re-save the trip.

Q: Why is the Submit to DHS button is greyed out?
A: The trip does not meet the submission criteria. Common examples include: the trip is in the past, the trip is not part 135, or there are no passengers saved in the trip.
Q: I submitted to DHS, why are the passengers still blue?
A: There may have been missing data for one or more of the passengers. When a passenger is missing required data, a window is displayed alerting you of the missing data and alerting you that the manifest has not been sent. You must correct the missing data and resubmit the manifest to DHS.

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