Shuttle Passenger Portal- Passenger View

Shuttle Passenger Portal- Passenger View


The shuttle passenger portal allows passengers to requests seats on a flight for themselves, and other passengers.


For "Previous Flyers" enter in email address and password, or enter in "New Flyers" information to create account. 


  1. Flight Search allows you to search for flights based on specific cities and dates.

  2. Calendar allows you to search for flights by viewing available flights on a calendar:

  3. My Flights shows flight details for all your future flights. These include confirmed flights, and wait list flights. 

  4.  Exit will log you out of the system

Requesting a Flight from the Calendar

  1. Click on Calendar
  2. Scroll through the calendar to find the date and times of your trip
  3. Click on the desired flight

  4. Select Departing Flight and Returning flight (Step 1::Flight(s))

  5. Click Next 
  6. Fill in all trip purpose related information (Step 2:: Purpose). 
    ***Note: This step is customizable. Your screen may differ from example below***

  7. Click Next
  8. Add yourself to a flight by clicking the Add Me button (Step 3:: Passenger(s))

  9. Fill in all required fields, then press Add Passenger to Booking
    ***Note: This step is customizable. Your screen may differ from example below***

  10. Click "Add Passenger to Booking"

  11. To add others to the trip, search for passengers by: Email, First Name, or Last Name, then click Search:

  12. Click CHOOSE  button to select passenger

  13. Fill in all required fields, then press Add Passenger to Booking 
    ***Note: not all fields shown in below example show for all clients***

  14. Click  Submit to send flight request
  15. Close confirmation page (Step 4:: Confirmation)

  1. Navigate to Flight Search
  2. Enter in all fields, then press Find Flights

  3. Select Departing Flight and Returning flight (Step 1::Flight(s))

  4. Click Next 
  5. Fill in all trip purpose related information (Step 2:: Purpose). 
    ***Note: not all fields shown in example below show for all clients***

  6. Click Next
  7. Add yourself to a flight by clicking the Add Me button (Step 3:: Passenger(s))
  8. Fill in all required fields, then press Add Passenger to Booking
    ***Note: not all fields shown in below example show for all clients***

  9. To add others to the trip, search for passengers by: Email, First Name, or Last Name, then click Search:

  10. Click CHOOSE  button to select passenger

  11. Fill in all required fields, then press Add Passenger to Booking
    ***Note: not all fields shown in below example show for all clients***

  12. Click  Submit to send flight request
  13. Close confirmation page (Step 4:: Confirmation)

Cancelling a Flight

To cancel yourself or others from a flight:

  1. Navigate to My Flights
  2. Click Cancel button next to passenger name:

  3. This cannot be undone in most cases

Emails and Calendar Invites

After submitting a flight through you will receive an email showing the status of your trip. Examples include: Pending, Approved, Wait List, Confirmed. These can vary by client.

Some emails also contain a calendar invite. Clicking on the invite will add a single leg to the trip. For trips with more than one leg, you will need to add each calendar event to your calendar. 

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