Pax Portal Trip Request Approval

Pax Portal Trip Request Approval


BART allows you to assign approvers to individual trip request users. These approvers will approve or deny a trip before it is sent to the trip request contact for scheduling.
***This is a custom feature and may not be available to all clients and users***

Setup - Enable Setting

Navigate to Gear > All Settings > Programs - Copilot & Pax Portal > Pax Portal Tab

  Enable Request Approval Process

Setup - Add Approver

***If Trip Request Approval is enabled, you must add an approver for each pax portal user***

1. Navigate to User > Trip Request user - Flight Security tab

2. Add in name of person who will approve this user's trip. The Approver must be a passenger already setup in the system, with a valid email address listed in their Passenger profile

3. Save


Approval Process

1. Trip Request user submits a trip request from within

2. Approver receives an email with trip information
and Trip Request user receives an email showing trip details, and stating trip is Pending Approval

3. Approver clicks on Approve/Deny Request button from within email and is directed to Approval page. The approver is approving or denying the entire trip (not individual legs). 


4. Approver can approve the trip or deny the trip. If trip is Denied, approver must fill in comments

5. If trip is Approved, an email is sent to Trip Request user and Dispatch

6. If trip is Denied, an email is sent to Trip Request user letting user know why the trip was denied

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