Pax Boarding Feature (Custom)

Pax Boarding Feature (Custom)


The Pax Boarding feature allows passengers to be boarded on an aircraft from within CoPilot. 
***This is a client specific feature that may not be available to all clients and users.***


Create a new aircraft with registration number N-EVT and abbreviated registration EVT.


Gear > All Settings > Programs Tab - CoPilot & Pax Portal > Crew Portal (CoPilot) - Passenger Check In
Enter in email address of those to receive the Souls on Board email. Address are to be separated with a semicolon.


Web - Create Trips

1. Create a trip on required day using N-EVT

2. Add all passengers to the newly created trip on N-EVT

3. On the same date, create live leg trips using the actual aircrafts. The live leg trips must match the departure and arrival airports of the N-EVT trip.


CoPilot App- Boarding Passengers

1. Expand N-EVT trip (accessible from any calendar)

2. On the PAX  dropdown, click Pax Boarding

3. You will now see the Pax Boarding screen

4. Select first aircraft for boarding by clicking tail number

5. Board passengers to aircraft by clicking luggage icon

6. Board second aircraft by clicking tail number

7. Board passengers to aircraft by clicking luggage icon

Passengers can switch between aircraft, or deboarded by clicking on the luggage icon.

CoPilot App- Adding a Passenger

1. Click + symbol

2. Fill in required information and click Save

3. Passenger is now listed and able to be boarded


CoPilot App- Send Souls on Board Email

Once all passengers have been boarded on an aircraft, you can send the Souls on Board email. Sending this email will lock the aircraft, preventing additional passengers from being boarded. 

1. Click envelope icon

2. Confirm you want to send email

3. The icon will now be green to indicate email has been sent

CoPilot App- Events

Click on the watch icon to see recent events for the aircraft and passengers

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