Passenger Trip Notifications

Passenger Trip Notifications

What are Passenger Trip Notification Emails? 

BART can automatically email all passengers a courtesy flight reminder of their upcoming trips. This handy reminder shows their datesarrival/departure times, and arrival/departure airports. You decide the setting that allows the reminder to be sent 24, 48, or 72 hrs. prior to the flight. 

A white and blue emailDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

What is the Pax Trip Notification Setup?

Your company admin simply goes to: Gear>All settings>Programs>Schedules>Flt Editing. Scroll to the Passenger section and choose the time frame for the email release and SAVE. 

A screenshot of a computer

Notes concerning the Passenger Trip Notifications:

--The email goes to all passengers on trips coming within the chosen timeframe. BART is not able to pick and choose the passengers---it is all encompassing when enabled. 

--The reminder email only goes to the manifest passengers with an email on file in their BART passenger profile. 

--Only one initial email will be sent. If the trip is cancelled or changed, BART will not send a passenger notification of the cancellation or any changes. 

--If the trip is over multiple days, the passenger receives the email for the initial departure day only. The email shows the complete itinerary; however, they will not receive another email for each subsequent day’s departure. 

--The email comes from: and is titled: Upcoming Flight Reminder. 

--The Flight Number seen on the passenger email corresponds to the trip number assigned in your BART schedule for your easy reference. 

--If desired, our BART developers can customize the body of the email (add’l charge). 

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