
Copilot's passenger check-in allows crew to check-in/board passengers from the trip details screen. Checked-in passengers will transfer to the permanent flight log on first save of the log in Copilot.

Check-in Passengers


Method one: pax are on board based on default rules (best for those who do not use check-ins)
If 1 or more pax are checked-in or late, only transfer on-board/late pax to flight log
If NO pax are checked-in or late, transfer all scheduled pax

Method two: always use pax check-in status
scheduled pax are transferred based on their check-in status


1. Navigate to Gear > All Settings - Programs tab > CoPilot & Pax Portal - Crew Portal tab > Passenger Check In section

2. Select desired setting

3. Save


Check-in Passengers

1. Within Copilot, navigate to the desired scheduled trip and scroll to passengers

2. Tap the briefcase next to each passenger to indicate status:

3. Changes are automatically saved

4. Upon initial save of the associated flight log, checked-in passengers will be transferred to flight log in web.seagil.com. 
Subsequent changes to status will not be transferred after initial save.