
The Flight Log Error Check allows you to quickly and easily look for issues and errors in your flight logs related to required report sorting fields and duty.

Running a Flight Log Check

The flight log check is found by navigating to the Flight Log tab > Flight Logs > Flight Log Issue Check

1. Search for logs by Date Range and Aircraft (optional) and Issue Status

2. Results are displayed below the search in the Flight Logs section

3. Check for errors by checking the box next to a log(s) and clicking the Check Flight Log(s) button

4. Logs can be edited by clicking the edit log link

Flight Log Check - At Save

The flight log check will run when a log is saved within web.seagil.com. Results are shown above the log.

Error Details - What's Checked?

1If report sorting is enabled, logs are checked to ensure the selected sort field is filled in

2. If any duty is entered, the legs are checked to ensure they are within the duty period(s).

3. Taxi time in excess of 120 minutes.

4. Log contained a hold, but no credit is given to a crewmember.

5. Log contained instrument time, but no credit is given to a crewmember.

6. Leg times are out if order.