Estimated duty time displays the estimated duty for legs that occur on the same day. This estimate does not include any prior legs from other trips. All dates are shown in local time/date.
In order to calculate Estimated Crew Duty, first set the Pre/Post Duty times.
Crew Estimated Duty is located under the trip details on the scheduled trip.
Calculations for Estimated Crew Duty is based on the legs in view, with the same local Estimated Date of Departure.
For example: All legs showing in the trip view departing on 12/23/24 will be calculated together and all leg in the trip view departing on 12/26/24 will be calculated together.
Note, legs occurring on the same day, but not showing in the trip view (for example a different trip) will not be calculated in the Estimated Crew Duty Time.
Estimated Crew Duty is calculated as the total time between the first leg of the day's ETD and the last leg of the day's ETA, plus pre duty and post duty.
Example 1 (in red below):
On 12/23/24: Leg one departs at 2100 and Leg 2 lands at 0232 = 05:31 hrs
Pre Duty + Post Duty = 01:30 hrs
Total for 12/23/24 = 07:01 hrs
Example 2 (in blue below):
On 12/26/24: Leg one departs at 0900 and lands at 1420 = 05:20 hrs
Pre Duty + Post Duty = 01:30 hrs
Total for 10/20/22 = 06:50 hrs
To view all trip duty on the same aircraft for a specific trip
1. open the Flight Calendar
2. click on the desired day
3. scroll to the bottom of the calendar
4. click on the aircraft