When enabled, trip sheet emails will include a button for crew to acknowledge the trip. Crew acknowledgement status can be viewed on the calendar or acknowledgement view. Version tracking ensures crew acknowledge the most up to date version of the trip.
There are two ways to access the crew acknowledgment feature:
Not Sent: acknowledgement email has not been sent, the status is gray
Not Acknowledged: email has been set, but the crew has not yet acknowledged; the status is red
Acknowledged: individual crew has acknowledged the trip; the status is green
From inside any trip, crew acknowledgement status can be found in the Crew section.
Not Sent: an acknowledgement email has not been sent; the status is gray.
Not Acknowledged : email has been set, but crew has not yet acknowledged; the status is red.
Acknowledged: individual crew has acknowledged the trip; the status is green
Trip Calendar: status can be seen in the details section (under the calendar)
Not Sent: an acknowledgement email has not been sent; the status is gray.
Not Acknowledged : email has been set, but the crew has not yet acknowledged; status is red.
Acknowledged: individual crew has acknowledged the trip; status is green.
Trip Bar Calendar
Not Sent: an acknowledgement email has not been sent; the status is gray.
Not Acknowledged : email has been set, but the crew has not yet acknowledged; status is red.
Acknowledged: individual crew has acknowledged the trip; status is green.
The history can be viewed and hidden by clicking on the History link.
The history details show when emails were sent, and when/if the emails were acknowledged.
Once an email for a trip has been sent, the crew will receive the email. The email contains a button to acknowledge the trip.
***Be sure all crews have an email listed in their crew profile***