Crew SMS or Email Alerts

Crew SMS or Email Alerts


Crews can receive SMS or email alerts when changes to a trip occur. Crew cannot receive both a text and an email. 


1. Navigate to Gear  > All Settings > Programs tab > Schedules > Flight Editing tab - Trip Change Notifications to Crew

2. Enable trip change notifications from the dropdown:

3. Enter in any additional email addresses you would like notified (such as dispatch)

4. Select notification window. If a change occurs within the window from departure, an alert will be sent:

5. Save the changes


Setup Crew

1. On the crew profile, fill in both the SMS Email and Cell Phone number in order to send SMS alerts:

2. Enter in an Email address (and do not fill in SMS email) for email alerts

3. Save the changes


Sending an Alert

1. When saving a trip that is within the designated timeframe, user is prompted if they want to send an alert: 

2. Select Yes to send the alert.


Example Alert

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